Marriage Boulevard…



Dear Reminisce,
My name is Edima. I love your program. Please guide me a little on marriage because me and my boo are getting married on the 14 October, 2017.

Dear Edima,
Congrats for the good news, but please know that wedding is not Marriage; it’s just a welcome song. It’s a ceremony that opens the mysterious door of marriage.
Hahahaha…, I see you being nervous; calm down dear, let me explain; it won’t bite.
The truth is that many have wedded but few are married. That’s why many marriages can’t even celebrate a bronze jubilee not to talk of silver or gold. The reason is that many don’t know what marriage is. Getting married to learn marriage can lead to endurance or divorce; it’s a risk; know now with me.
Recent times I see pre-wedding images flooding the social media walls with astonished customized outfits and styles. Sadly, very few know what they are about to embark on. To know about marriage, you must acquire knowledge about it; there are no two ways. I know this news might be disconcerting to many readers out there.

What is Marriage? - Two families coming together in a union to create a tie to exist together and multiply forever; not just two persons.
What is Boulevard? – A wide road or avenue in a city, a thoroughfare, typically one lined with trees.
Marriage Boulevard is the long mysterious road called marriage. An unpredictable walkway. A road full of bumps and hurdles; a tsunami that can slay hopes and expectations.
Edima, now that you are ready to walk down the aisle, how prepared are you to face those hurdles? How good is your break part to overcome the bumps because they are inevitable? What if it’s doldrum? Hmmmm… let me just highlight a few hurdles you should know and avert to make a good marriage.

1. CHILD BEARING HURDLES- You must investigate your spouse’s family thoroughly because in many families there are strongholds and principalities. What you know won’t take you by surprise. When you know your problem you can easily define your prayer point. On your own side, be medically/ prayerfully fit to coronate that marriage with the fruit of the womb.

2. ECONOMIC/ FINANCIAL HURDLES- What is in your marriage box? Are they just filled with expensive cloths and jewelries? Do you have tool box to complement the family revenue? How nimble are your fingers? What are your entrepreneurial skills? How do you intend to support your man in that marriage? Hmmmm… Food for thought!

3. DOMESTIC HURDLES- I see most women allowing their maids to delve into the hearts of their husbands through domestic affairs, just because they feel its hard labour. My dear, if you are that type I advise you learn the artistry now so you don’t leave the door wide open for another to win your man. Even if you don’t know any just know how to cook very well because whatever captures a man’s belly can easily capture his heart.

4. SPIRITUAL HURDLES- science of phrenology proves that women are more spiritual than men. Be ready to lock down the family problems and challenges in prayers with God even when your hubby is not there. Don’t forget that you are a helpmate in that union.

5. CAREER HURDLES- I hope you guys have planned well career wise. Let nothing keep you guys apart because most distance marriages always end in chaos. If your jobs are not in same state, sometimes one person will need to sacrifice and let go his or her job in order to save your marriage.

6. RELIGIOUS HURDLES- Know his belief and religion now; not later, because it might be too late. Let him not marry you and remove you from church to one secular cult all in the name of marriage. Also know that many men are fetish; you won’t know until you finish the wedding. Some even use their wives for money rituals.

7. SEXUAL HURDLES- Both of you should be fit for the game because sex is a motivation paradox for love making in marriages. Find out if he is not impotent or sterile. Am not saying you should have sex before marriage, but there are other ways you can test him for his body to rise. You must also be romantic enough to satisfy him and to always keep him asking for more.

8. TECHNOLOGICAL HURDLES- if you are technologically advanced than him make him to see reasons and join you now. If you are a type that loves gadgets and social media, entice him to love as well. Don’t say you will teach him later because it may be a probability. Let him not marry you and tomorrow he doesn’t want to see you in social media again for life, because to some girls it might be a nightmare.

In my next update I will explore more to help you be on a safe side. Happy married life in advance and don’t forget to send my wedding cake over when time come. Best of Luck.

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#Reminisce Umoh- Coach


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