MMM- Mistakes Made in Marriages presents: MARRY HARRY (SEASON ONE) Hello Fun Lovers! THE BIGGEST MARRIAGE PREPARATORY FESTIVAL IS COMING YOUR WAY. Marry Harry will be a mega marriage preparatory festival and Christmas Gala Night to discuss the mistakes that are made in marriages and how to avert them. A night of music, comedy and outpouring wisdom on the core values of marriage. A 2 day fun and wisdom event for both singles that are due for marriage and married couples that desire wisdom to fix cracks and dislocations in their marriages. WHO IS HARRY? H- Handsome A- Amiable R- Righteous R- & Resourceful Y- Youngman Harry is a man every Rachel should have as a husband. NARRATIVES OF THE FESTIVAL DAY 1- December 23: FITNESS ACTIVITIES. (OPTIONAL) Ticket 1k. Participants will be divided into 2 teams: TEAM HARRY and TEAM RACHEL. TEAM HARRY- All guys that are due for marriage and husbands that desire more wisdom in marriage. They will work out to build phys...
Showing posts from November, 2017